Pageants 5

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Oxford Pageant of Victory
    From the book of words and its references to several hundred participants in some scenes, this appears to have been a very large pageant, and was one of a number held in the aftermath of the First ...

  2. The Chelsea Historical Pageant
    Performed in 1908, the Chelsea Pageant was part of the initial wave of ‘pageantitis’, and notably the first pageant to be staged within the capital. ‘Little Chelsea’, declared The Times, was ‘going...

  3. St Paul’s Steps
    How much did spectators actually get out of pageants? Did people in the cheapest seats at the pageant, who most likely did not buy a programme or book of words, particularly those whose grip on his...

  4. Dartford Division of Kent Historical Pageant
    The Dartford Historical Pageant was one of the final civic extravaganzas produced by the famous pageant master Frank Lascelles. In his typical fashion,1 the pageant was a large and spectacular affa...

  5. Pageant of Poole
    Taking place in 1952 the Pageant of Poole was the last production of the theatrical performer and producer Gwen Lally, probably the most famous and prolific of the female pageant-masters. The autho...