Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Warwickshire Coronation Pageant
    The Coronation of Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953 heralded a ‘new Elizabethan Age’, evidenced by the music of Benjamin Britten (whose opera Gloriana was unfortunately a failure), the photography of Cec...

  2. St Catherine’s School Centenary Pageant: A Vivid Tapestry of 2000 Years of Women in History
    St Catherine’s is a fee-paying school in Surrey with approximately 880 pupils, of which 170 board.1 The pageant was organised by David Clarke, who was a prominent pageant master in Surrey (see Shal...

  3. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  4. The Pageant of England
    If one were in search of England in the 1930s, as so many contemporaries from H.V. Morton to J.B. Priestley to George Orwell seemed to be, one could do worse than head to Slough. The army had set u...