Pageants 5

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Pageant of Labour
    In the words of the Glasgow Herald, 1934 was a ‘vintage year for pageants’ in London.2 Already the city had enjoyed the Pageant of Runnymede and the Pageant of Parliament; indeed, the Manchester Gu...

  2. Coronation Pageant
    Press coverage for this pageant has not been consulted; but it seems likely that it was an event that only attracted attention in the immediate locality. Given the number of celebrations, including...

  3. The Pageant of Parliament
    The Pageant of Parliament, also advertised as ‘Parliament and the People’, was a major pageant-play that took place in the Royal Albert Hall in 1934. It had an extensive run of 24 performances, a c...

  4. Army Pageant
    The Army Pageant, London, was a major and ambitious spectacle, performed 21 times in the summer of 1910. It was a leviathan effort in all respects, but did not seem to make a profit—and was, as suc...

  5. History of Yarm
    Many pageants were held in association with the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II; this is one example (see entries for Sandy and Warwickshire). It was staged by the Yarm branch of the Women’s Insti...