Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Light Over England Historical Pageant
    The vast majority of pageants included scenes highlighting the importance of the Christian religion to a place or people, and also to the development of the English nation. Yet, for all that religi...

  2. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  3. Ilford Children’s Pageant
    Children’s pageants proved popular fixtures during the twentieth century, for instance in Stepney (1909), Kirkcaldy (1911), Windsor (1911), Berkhamsted (1922), and Leeds (1926). Many smaller-scale ...

  4. Army Pageant
    The Army Pageant, London, was a major and ambitious spectacle, performed 21 times in the summer of 1910. It was a leviathan effort in all respects, but did not seem to make a profit—and was, as suc...