Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Rotherhithe Church Pageant
    The Rotherhithe Church Pageant, held at St. Mary’s, Rotherhithe, was a highly anticipated event, not only in the community—where ‘humble workers’ in the district made their own costumes under the s...

  2. A Pageant of Bristol Cathedral
    A pageant was held to mark the 800th anniversary of Bristol Cathedral. Three performances were given in the nave of the cathedral. The focus of the pageant on the history of the cathedral, from its...

  3. Pageant Play at Portchester Castle
    The foreword to the Book of Words, written by Neville Lovett, Bishop of Portsmouth, about a pageant play written by his daughter, neatly conveys the spirit in which the pageant was both written and...

  4. Peter Mancroft Pageant
    The Peter Mancroft Pageant was Norwich’s first foray into large-scale pageantry. In fact, pageant-master Nugent Monck had been invited by Rex Rynd, the precentor of Norwich Cathedral to direct a pr...