Pageants 5

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Pageant of Centuries
    Buckden Palace was formerly the seat of the Bishops of Lincoln, first constructed sometime in the twelfth century and continually extended, rebuilt and repaired (due to recurring fires) over the ce...

  2. The Antiquities of Selborne, Shown to the World by the Rev. Gilbert White, of Selborne, in the Country of Southampton
    Note: see also the entry for Pageant of Selborne (1938).The rural nostalgia of the interwar period has been extensively documented by historians, and the 1926 Selborne Pageant is an excellent examp...

  3. A Pageant of Grimston
    Whilst most pageants celebrated a place, occasionally they celebrated the exploits of a single family. This was the case here, the family in question being the Grimstons. The village of Grimston is...

  4. Pageant of Selborne: Gilbert White’s Village
    This pageant had previously been performed, with a modicum of success, in Selborne in 1926 (for further details, see entry for 1926 Selborne Pageant). It was revived in 1938 without revisions. Iron...

  5. The Pevensey Pageant
    Taking place in 1908 in the ruins of the Castle, the Pevensey Historical Pageant was also a pageant of Sussex. While the episodes focused on Pevensey, it was only a small village of around four hun...