Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. A Pageant of Streatham (1925)
    The Pageant of Streatham was a small indoor pageant, performed seven times in November 1925. It took place at Streatham Hall, a late Victorian building acquired by St Leonard’s Church earlier in 19...

  2. Kingston Church Pageant
    The author of the Kingston Pageant, W.E. St Lawrence Finny, went even further than the great Pageant Master, Louis Napoleon Parker, who famously avoided the Civil War so as not to offend political ...

  3. St Paul’s Steps
    How much did spectators actually get out of pageants? Did people in the cheapest seats at the pageant, who most likely did not buy a programme or book of words, particularly those whose grip on his...

  4. Pageant of London (South of the Thames)
    Staged in the grounds of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, this pageant was a celebration of the history of London—but specifically that of south London. This perhaps reflected a feeling that the hi...