Pageants 7
A map will be displayed here shortly.
Sword of Honour
At the start of Evelyn Waugh’s novel Unconditional Surrender (1961), there is a scene where Guy Crouchback, the disillusioned catholic and soldier who had narrowly escaped capture during the occupa... -
The Bury St Edmunds Pageant of Magna Carta
The Bury St Edmunds Magna Carta Pageant of 1959 was a major event, with 12 ticketed performances across 10 days. While it picked up on many of the themes of the 1907 pageant the town had held, most... -
St Albans Pageant 1953: A Masque of the Queens
Having staged a pageant during the height of Edwardian ‘pageant fever’ in 1907, as well as one of the early post-war pageants in 1948, St Albans did it for the third time during the Coronation cele... -
Borough of Reigate Pageant: The Heritage of the Crown
This pageant was held in the Coronation year of 1953, though three months after the event itself. Held in the Surrey town of Reigate, it was one of a number of pageants in the towns surrounding Lon... -
Historical Pageant of Huntingdonshire
Huntingdon had not held a pageant since the wildly successful pageant at Hinchingbrooke in 1912, though there had been further pageants in the county (e.g., Buckden, 1932). Hinchingbrooke House.1 T... -
Carlisle Historical Pageant
In his preface to the pageant Book of Words, Sir John Burgess, who was chair of the pageant's executive committee, stated that 'the Carlisle Historical Pageants of 1928, 1951 and 1977 have themselv... -
St Albans Millenary Pageant
The Millenary Pageant of 1948 was the second time a historical pageant had been staged in St Albans. The first was in 1907, during the wave of ‘pageant fever’ that swept Britain before the First Wo...