Pageants 6

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Bruce Sex-Centenary Pageant: Masque of Edinburgh
    When plans were discussed by Edinburgh's city council for celebration of the six-hundredth anniversary of the granting of Edinburgh's royal charter, there was every intention to make sure that a la...

  2. Scottish Historical Pageant
    In July 1927, the Scottish Historical Pageant was held in the grounds of Craigmillar Castle in Edinburgh. With nearly 4000 performers, 200 horses and a grandstand capacity of 10,000— and a total au...

  3. The Masque of Ancient Learning and Its Many Meanings
    Despite the publicity which attended this pageant and the high profile of its chief proponent— Patrick Geddes—there is a great deal about it which remains stubbornly opaque. For example, although i...

  4. Sir Walter Scott Centenary
    There were so many events taking place in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the death of Sir Walter Scott that it is not surprising that most passed without much fanfare. However, this part...

  5. The Story of the West: A Pageant of the Britons, the Vikings, the Traders and the Clans
    ‘For two and a half crowded hours ghostly figures from Scottish pageantry, wild, staid, pompous, and romantic, live a brief while again as they slowly cross the stage, linger, and disappear back in...

  6. Historical Pageant of Newcastle and the North
    One of the fundamental tenets of historical pageantry was, and is, that it brought people together in a common purpose. The Pageant of Newcastle and the North took this notion of communal involveme...