Pageants 16

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Ely Cathedral Millennium Pageant
    The Ely Cathedral Pageant was one of a number of pageants held to coincide with the millennium. Others were held in Cranford and Axbridge. John Inge, the then vice-dean of Ely Cathedral wrote in th...

  2. Exeter Fete and the Pageant of ‘A Pitiful Queene’
    ‘A Pitiful Queene’ was probably Mary Kelly’s largest pageant, and certainly her only one held in a city or a large town. Mary Kelly (1888–1951) founded the Village Dramatic Society in 1919 in her n...

  3. 2000 Years of History: A Pageant of Chester-le-Street
    Chester-le-Street celebrated its two thousandth anniversary in 1967. As in many other cases, an historical pageant was felt to be an appropriate addition to the festivities and one duly took place ...

  4. Guiseley Historical Pageant
    Whilst Virginia Woolf’s notable literary depiction of a pageant in her novel Between the Acts features an annual pageant, these were in fact quite rare. The level of organisation and time commitmen...

  5. The Pageant of St Magnus
    The St Magnus pageant, which took place in 1937 in Kirkwall, Orkney, has the distinction of being the most northerly historical pageant performed in the British Isles. Holding a pageant in these re...

  6. Buckingham Pageant and Bazaar
    This was one of very few pageants held in the small rural county of Buckinghamshire. Despite the pageant being held under the auspices of the Buckingham Methodists, it seems to have involved many p...

  7. Illuminated Pageant of Dartford and its Parish Church
    Church pageants remained quite popular into the 1960s and 1970s (see St Wilfrid's (1965)). This is an example of one such pageant, focusing on the religious history of Holy Trinity Church, Dartford...

  8. Lichfield Pageant
    Held in June 1972, this pageant commemorated the 1300th anniversary of the death of St Chad, who became bishop of Lichfield in 669. It featured a street procession, but also a dramatic re-enactment...

  9. Pageant of a Thousand Years of the Church of Barton, 669 to 1672
    A number of churches and cathedrals held pageants in celebration of key events in their history, including the Clifton Parish Church Centenary, Somerset (1922), Adel Church Octocentenary, West York...

  10. St Wilfrid’s Centenary Fair and Pageant
    As Bishop Roger Wilson of Chichester noted in his foreword to the pageant programme, the past century had seen profound changes in the church’s place in society: ‘During these 100 years there have ...

  11. Winchester Pageant
    The Winchester 1934 Pageant deviated from the structure of the overwhelming majority of pageants to focus instead on a single significant historical scene, told at great length and in sumptuous det...

  12. Pageant of Lewes Priory
    The pageant was part of the 1972 Lewes Festival. It was also referred to as Son Et Lumiere and A Pageant of Light, Sound and Mime, relying heavily on a recorded commentary, musical and lighting eff...

  13. Historic Wakefield
    This pageant was performed by the schools of the Diocese of Wakefield, in support of the bishop’s appeal for funds for the church schools. Each episode was performed by a different school, which su...

  14. Pickering Rural Deanery Church Pageant
    The Pickering Rural Deanery Church Pageant, also referred to as the ‘Pickering Missionary Pageant’, took place in 1930 at Pickering Castle, where an earlier pageant had been staged in 1910 (and ano...

  15. Peter Mancroft Pageant
    The Peter Mancroft Pageant was Norwich’s first foray into large-scale pageantry. In fact, pageant-master Nugent Monck had been invited by Rex Rynd, the precentor of Norwich Cathedral to direct a pr...

  16. A Church, A Town; Illuminated Pageant of Dartford and its Parish Church
    The Pageant repeated one held three years earlier with a number of additional or edited scenes, such as one featuring the 1968 Flood. Dartford had previously held pageants in 1932 and 1951.