Pageants 19

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Reading Historical Pageant
    Jonathan Rose argues that the Edwardian period did not suffer instantaneous death on Flanders Field but rather lingered on into the post-war period, finally succumbing only in the mid-1920s.3 The R...

  2. The York Pageant
    Louis Napoleon Parker, the acknowledged inventor of modern historical pageantry, chose to end his career as a pageant master in 1909. His final performance as a director of a large-scale pageant wa...

  3. Pageant of Thurlow
    The Pageant of Thurlow was a restaging of the 1938 pageant, back by popular demand: ‘It is being repeated largely because of the requests made by many of those, numbering approximately a thousand, ...

  4. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  5. Warwickshire Coronation Pageant
    The Coronation of Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953 heralded a ‘new Elizabethan Age’, evidenced by the music of Benjamin Britten (whose opera Gloriana was unfortunately a failure), the photography of Cec...

  6. Church Stretton Historical Pageant
    The idea for a pageant was first mooted at the beginning of 1913. It drew strong support, since it seemed that a pageant might draw people to holiday in the town (at a time when the place was—perha...

  7. Historical Pageant of Claverley and Its Neighbourhood
    The village of Claverley lies at the extreme east of the county of Shropshire on a road some ten miles from Wolverhampton and around four miles from Bridgnorth. In 1931 its population was 1215, thi...

  8. Oxford Historical Pageant
    The Oxford Historical Pageant of 1907 was a major civic event, and took place in the grounds of Magdalen College. Despite being wholly a part of the initial outburst of pageant fever, it was one of...

  9. The Milford-on-Sea Pageant & Fete
    On Bank Holiday Monday in early August 1930, a pageant and fete was held in the grounds of Newlands Manor, home of the Sir John Power, MP for Wimbledon. The event was put on in aid of the Milford-o...

  10. Andover Coronation Celebrations
    The 1953 Coronation was an important occasion for historical pageantry in the 1950s. This was one of many relatively small-scale pageants staged across the UK at this time. As is clear from film fo...

  11. Lady Godiva Procession and Pageant
    Pageantry was an ancient tradition in Coventry, dating back to medieval times. The comparatively recent Godiva Procession, to commemorate Lady Godiva’s famous ride through the town during the eleve...

  12. Historical Pageant of Huntingdonshire
    Huntingdon had not held a pageant since the wildly successful pageant at Hinchingbrooke in 1912, though there had been further pageants in the county (e.g., Buckden, 1932). Hinchingbrooke House.1 T...

  13. Norwich Pageant
    The Norfolk Pageant was the second major Pageant in the city produced by Nugent Monck, fourteen years after his Peter Mancroft Pageant (1912), which had begun a long-standing interaction with the c...

  14. Pageant of Thurlow
    The Thurlow Pageant of 1938 was an oddity for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was the product of a landed family, the Ryders, celebrating the history of another landed family, the Soame’s, due to ...

  15. The Pageant of England
    If one were in search of England in the 1930s, as so many contemporaries from H.V. Morton to J.B. Priestley to George Orwell seemed to be, one could do worse than head to Slough. The army had set u...

  16. The Spirit of Warwickshire
    Parker’s spectacular 1906 pageant had made a great impression on the people of Warwick; as the Tamworth Herald reported in January 1930, the event ‘was still spoken of in the county as “The Pageant...

  17. Winchester National Pageant
    The 1908 Winchester Pageant was, like those held in Sherborne (1905), Romsey (1907), and Oxford (1907), one of the crowning achievements of Edwardian historical pageantry, genuinely living up to it...

  18. Rochester Historical Pageant
    Tom Hulme has written about interwar Civic Boosterism through Pageantry, whereby cities competed to raise their profile and, often combined with industrial and trades exhibitions, sought to boost t...

  19. Peter Mancroft Pageant
    The Peter Mancroft Pageant was Norwich’s first foray into large-scale pageantry. In fact, pageant-master Nugent Monck had been invited by Rex Rynd, the precentor of Norwich Cathedral to direct a pr...