Pageants 21

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Lancaster Historical Pageant
    The pageant held in 1930 was the second great civic pageant undertaken by Lancaster under Harold Hastings' direction, the first being in 1913. In the preface to the book of words, the pageant maste...

  2. Gildersome Pageant
    The Gildersome Pageant is an example of an interwar village pageant. As evident from its organisational structure (seven separate committees), it was rather grander in scale and ambition than many ...

  3. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Historical Pageant
    The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Historical Pageant took place in June 1935, in Wollaton Park. According to a correspondent writing in the Nottingham Guardian, the city’s effort was inspired by L...

  4. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding
    While pageants had been relatively late to take over the West Riding of Yorkshire, they became major events. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding was the third major civic pageant in the co...

  5. Coronation Pageant
    Press coverage for this pageant has not been consulted; but it seems likely that it was an event that only attracted attention in the immediate locality. Given the number of celebrations, including...

  6. The Pageant of Centuries
    Buckden Palace was formerly the seat of the Bishops of Lincoln, first constructed sometime in the twelfth century and continually extended, rebuilt and repaired (due to recurring fires) over the ce...

  7. Historical Pageant of Hartshead and Kirklees
    The Historical Pageant of Hartshead and Kirklees was the second of three pageants staged at the site by the Reverend H.N. Pobjoy between 1927 and 1929. As Pobjoy wrote in the introduction to the pa...

  8. Nottingham Quincentenary Pageant
    The Nottingham Quincentenary Pageant was a key attraction of city-wide anniversary celebrations of the 1449 charter granted by King Henry VI. It took place in the Nottingham Ice Stadium, an indoor ...

  9. Pageant of the History of Sheffield
    Taking the form of a mixture of dramatic episodes and tableaux, this was probably the first pageant held in Sheffield. Held in the gardens of Rye Lodge in the relatively affluent south-west suburbs...

  10. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  11. A Dream of Old Bulwell
    ‘A Dream of Old Bulwell’ was a small indoor pageant-play that took place in 1929 at the Bulwell Olympia, a struggling local theatre.2 It was masterminded by the Rev. Stanley M. Wheeler, who acted a...

  12. Hartshead Pageant of Robyn Hode
    Pageants were great opportunities for those who might charitably be called local enthusiasts—or, less charitably, cranks. The Reverend Harold N. Pobjoy, the Vicar of Hartshead, writer and local his...

  13. The Pageant of Parliament
    The Pageant of Parliament, also advertised as ‘Parliament and the People’, was a major pageant-play that took place in the Royal Albert Hall in 1934. It had an extensive run of 24 performances, a c...

  14. The Edwinstowe Coronation Pageant
    The Edwinstowe Pageant of 1953 was held to commemorate the Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. It was the last and by far largest event in the village’s two-month-long programme of various sports c...

  15. Dartford Division of Kent Historical Pageant
    The Dartford Historical Pageant was one of the final civic extravaganzas produced by the famous pageant master Frank Lascelles. In his typical fashion,1 the pageant was a large and spectacular affa...

  16. Salford Historical Pageant
    The pageant of Salford defied the dire times that existed in 1930 and exceeded all expectations of success. The economic downturn had affected industry badly in this part of the north of England an...

  17. The Sherborne Pageant
    The Sherborne Pageant of 1905 truly was ‘the mother of all pageants’, its style, organization and themes consequently and consistently replicated when ‘pageant fever’ swept the nation. It was the b...

  18. Welbeck Abbey Historical Pageant
    According to the Historic Houses Association, ‘The Welbeck Estate covers some 15,000 acres, nestled between Sherwood Forest and Clumber Park. At its heart lies Welbeck Abbey, a stately home which d...

  19. Pageant of Sport
    Abinger’s previous pageant had been held in 1934 and was famously written by E.M. Forster, a local resident, with music provided and conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams, who had been born in the lo...

  20. A Pageant of Monarchy
    This was one of the many pageants in Surrey produced by David Clarke, who had worked with Christopher Ede on the Guildford pageant of 1957, and had himself produced the 1968 Guildford pageant. Like...