Pageants 11

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Silver Jubilee Pageant
    There was a revival of historical pageantry in 1977 on the occasion of the queen’s silver jubilee, and David Clarke’s pageant in Guildford was one of the most notable examples. Clarke had worked wi...

  2. Stafford Millenary Pageant
    The Stafford Pageant reflected the civic pride of a prosperous and ancient town which was able to celebrate a millennium of rich and varied history. As with Liverpool’s Seven Hundredth Anniversary ...

  3. The Conway Pageant: Tableaux Vivant
    The Tableaux Vivant was part of the more general Conway celebrations in 1927. For an analysis of both, see entry for Conway Pageant: Pageant Plays

  4. The Conway Pageant: Pageant Plays
    The Conway Bridge Centenary Celebration of 1927 was a major week-long civic event, commemorating the 1826 engineering feat of Thomas Telford. Two historical pageants were produced, as well as a his...

  5. Chester Historical Pageant
    In the foreword to the Official Souvenir Book of the pageant, the Master of the Pageant, George Hawtrey, claimed that: ‘Of all the cities in England there is none that binds the life of to-day so c...

  6. Time and the City: A Pageant Play
    St Albans had staged three historical pageants, in 1907, 1948 and 1953. In 1968 an indoor ‘pageant play’ was staged, with three performances on the stage of the recently built City Hall, which coul...

  7. The Pickering Pageant (or Historical Play)
    Pageants were very popular in the North Riding of Yorkshire, as in other parts of the country, before the First World War. Thirsk staged a ‘historical play’ in 1907;  York in 1909; and Scarborough ...

  8. Chester Historical Pageant
    The historical pageant held in Chester in 1910 had been one of the great pageant extravaganzas held in England during the Edwardian era. A generation later, and in very different times, Chester dec...

  9. The St Albans Pageant
    The St Albans pageant of 1907 took place at the height of ‘pageant fever’ in Edwardian England, and was in many respects a typical example of the genre.2 It took place outdoors, in Verulamium Park ...

  10. The Salisbury Peace Pageant
    The Peace Pageant of Salisbury was the main event of the celebrations in the city following the Treaty of Versailles. It took place a week after the first official Peace Day of 19 July 1919—somewha...

  11. Pageant of York
    The alleged 1900th anniversary of the founding of the city of York in 1971 was employed by the city council to stage a yearlong programme of celebrations. The varied programme produced was without ...