Pageants 98

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Pageant of English Literature, 1914
    See entry for the Oxford Pageant of English Literature 1911, which the 1914 Pageant of English Literature was a restaging of with the same cast and production team, adding, omitting and editing sev...

  2. The Harrow Historical Pageant
    The Harrow Historical Pageant was one of the first of the inter-war pageants to return to the traditional civic style of the pre-1914 movement (see also the entry for the Reading Historical Pageant...

  3. Hinchingbrooke Pageant
    Hinchingbrooke was a country house a mile or so to the west of Huntingdon, which was, until 1974 (when the county as a whole was assimilated into Cambridgeshire), the county town of Huntingdonshire...

  4. A Pageant of Two Parishes: Ingatestone and Fryerning
    This was an example of a village-level pageant held to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. It was unusual in that it was a pageant of not one, but two, local parishes: Ingatestone and Fryern...

  5. The Grand Empire Pageant 1909
    The Grand Empire Pageant of 1909 programme was one of several imperial-themed pageants held before 1914, designed to instil patriotism and military values among participants and spectators (see Bat...

  6. St Albans Millenary Pageant
    The Millenary Pageant of 1948 was the second time a historical pageant had been staged in St Albans. The first was in 1907, during the wave of ‘pageant fever’ that swept Britain before the First Wo...

  7. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding
    While pageants had been relatively late to take over the West Riding of Yorkshire, they became major events. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding was the third major civic pageant in the co...

  8. The Warwick Pageant
    The success of the Sherborne Pageant attracted a good deal of notice, particularly in places with claims to long or illustrious histories. One of these places was the town of Warwick, site of an im...

  9. Silver Jubilee Pageant
    There was a revival of historical pageantry in 1977 on the occasion of the queen’s silver jubilee, and David Clarke’s pageant in Guildford was one of the most notable examples. Clarke had worked wi...

  10. Stafford Millenary Pageant
    The Stafford Pageant reflected the civic pride of a prosperous and ancient town which was able to celebrate a millennium of rich and varied history. As with Liverpool’s Seven Hundredth Anniversary ...

  11. West Dorset Historical Pageant
    The West Dorset Historical Pageant of 1911 was a fairly small event, performed six times over three days to crowds of around 3000. Its leading proponent was Alexander Meyrick Broadley, described by...

  12. Arundel Historical Pageant
    ‘Astride mettlesome palfreys, four knights in armour will gallop to fight with lances set and pennons flying just as in the brave days of old—and all for the smiles of a fair lady!’5 The Arundel P...

  13. Coronation Pageant
    Press coverage for this pageant has not been consulted; but it seems likely that it was an event that only attracted attention in the immediate locality. Given the number of celebrations, including...

  14. Ramsgate Historical Pageant and Charter Jubilee Celebrations
    A number of coastal resorts such as Torquay (1924) held pageants to commemorate their histories, as well as to draw tourists during the season. The Ramsgate Historical Pageant was certainly one of ...

  15. Coronation Historical Pageant
    The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 was an occasion for historical pageantry. Major examples include events in Warwickshire and Lancaster, but smaller-scale village-level pageants also too...

  16. Bath Historical Pageant
    Edwardian Pageants can accurately be said to have followed a domino-effect where a pageant, either in the locality or in a town of similar size, provoked the inception of another—for the sake of ke...

  17. Pageant of Bignor
    In 1911 Bignor had a population of 112, fewer than the number of performers ‘of all grades of society, and mainly drawn from the immediate district’3 who participated in the Pageant of Bignor.4 As ...

  18. The Pageant of Essex
    Following on from the Barking Pageant in 1931, the larger-in-scope Pageant of Essex was staged in summer 1932 to raise money for the newly opened King George Hospital in Ilford. Directed by Frank L...

  19. The Greenwich Night Pageant
    Taking place against the backdrop of economic depression, the Greenwich Night Pageant partly aimed to stimulate the new ‘important industries’ that had sprung up along the Thames, and, during the r...

  20. Pictures of Local History
    Women’s Institute Pageants were highly popular during the 1920s and early 1930s, and county pageants were also greatly successful (see entry for the Pageant of Staffordshire, 1928, and the Pageants...