Pageants 43

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Bruce Sex-Centenary Pageant: Masque of Edinburgh
    When plans were discussed by Edinburgh's city council for celebration of the six-hundredth anniversary of the granting of Edinburgh's royal charter, there was every intention to make sure that a la...

  2. Carlisle Historical Pageant
    In his preface to the pageant Book of Words, Sir John Burgess, who was chair of the pageant's executive committee, stated that 'the Carlisle Historical Pageants of 1928, 1951 and 1977 have themselv...

  3. Arbroath Abbey Pageant, 1970
    The celebration of the 650th anniversary of the coming into being of the Declaration of Scottish Independence occurred in 1970. This anniversary date ensured that planning to hold the pageant had l...

  4. The Pageant of Ayr 1202-1952
    This centenary pageant celebrated 750 years of Royal Burgh status, a civic pedigree which Ayr had long flaunted alongside its standing as the cradle of the national bard and the stamping ground of ...

  5. The Dover Pageant
    Dover’s staging of a historical folk-play in 1908 was a nationally important and spectacular example of an Edwardian town gripped by ‘pageantitis’. Directed by the original master himself, Louis Na...

  6. The Harrow Historical Pageant
    The Harrow Historical Pageant was one of the first of the inter-war pageants to return to the traditional civic style of the pre-1914 movement (see also the entry for the Reading Historical Pageant...

  7. A Pageant of East Grinstead
    The 1951 Festival of Britain saw something of a revival of historical pageantry in a world in which it appeared increasingly outmoded when competing with cinema, theatre and—most of all—television....

  8. Arundel Historical Pageant
    ‘Astride mettlesome palfreys, four knights in armour will gallop to fight with lances set and pennons flying just as in the brave days of old—and all for the smiles of a fair lady!’5 The Arundel P...

  9. Arbroath Abbey Pageant 1953
    The organisers of the Arbroath pageant started off their preparations for the 1953 performance with high hopes. The number of shows was extended to seven, from the previous Pageant in 1952, five of...

  10. The Arbroath Abbey Pageant, 1966
    For the twelfth in the series of Arbroath Abbey pageants, the intention seems to have been to put on a performance using all of those elements that had worked so well in the past. There was no chan...

  11. The Pageant of Centuries
    Buckden Palace was formerly the seat of the Bishops of Lincoln, first constructed sometime in the twelfth century and continually extended, rebuilt and repaired (due to recurring fires) over the ce...

  12. Oxford Pageant of Victory
    From the book of words and its references to several hundred participants in some scenes, this appears to have been a very large pageant, and was one of a number held in the aftermath of the First ...

  13. The Pageant of Royal Deeside
    In the preface to the programme of the pageant, Councillor Thomas B. Work, who chaired Aberdeenshire's Education Committee, highlighted that youth services in the county had been developed over the...

  14. The Antiquities of Selborne, Shown to the World by the Rev. Gilbert White, of Selborne, in the Country of Southampton
    Note: see also the entry for Pageant of Selborne (1938).The rural nostalgia of the interwar period has been extensively documented by historians, and the 1926 Selborne Pageant is an excellent examp...

  15. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  16. Farnham Pageant 1988
    After the first Farnham Pageant (1910), Dr Ealand (who had played Henry de Blois) suggested that ‘in the year 2010, when Farnham had the pluck to again put Historical Episodes before the people—and...

  17. A Pageant of Grimston
    Whilst most pageants celebrated a place, occasionally they celebrated the exploits of a single family. This was the case here, the family in question being the Grimstons. The village of Grimston is...

  18. Arbroath Abbey Pageant, 1964
    This was the eleventh enactment of the pageant; the last had been held in 1956 and as it had been since 1948, the Arbroath Abbey Pageant Society was responsible for organising it. Between 1948 and ...

  19. The Conway Pageant: Pageant Plays
    The Conway Bridge Centenary Celebration of 1927 was a major week-long civic event, commemorating the 1826 engineering feat of Thomas Telford. Two historical pageants were produced, as well as a his...

  20. The Pageant of Parliament
    The Pageant of Parliament, also advertised as ‘Parliament and the People’, was a major pageant-play that took place in the Royal Albert Hall in 1934. It had an extensive run of 24 performances, a c...