Pageants 20

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Historical Pageant
    The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Historical Pageant took place in June 1935, in Wollaton Park. According to a correspondent writing in the Nottingham Guardian, the city’s effort was inspired by L...

  2. The Harrow Historical Pageant
    The Harrow Historical Pageant was one of the first of the inter-war pageants to return to the traditional civic style of the pre-1914 movement (see also the entry for the Reading Historical Pageant...

  3. Reading Historical Pageant
    Jonathan Rose argues that the Edwardian period did not suffer instantaneous death on Flanders Field but rather lingered on into the post-war period, finally succumbing only in the mid-1920s.3 The R...

  4. Tatsfield Church Pageant
    This was a very small church pageant. Its main claim to fame was that its cast included two members of the great Liberal dynasty, the Bonham-Carters: Margaret and Rosemary. Small though it was, how...

  5. Croydon Old Palace Pageant
    Croydon had a history of pageants, including Louis Napoleon Parker’s unsuccessful attempt to stage a Pageant of Croydon in 1923 and The Croydon Parish Church Pageant of 1930, ‘The Church Witness’, ...

  6. Oxford Historical Pageant
    The Oxford Historical Pageant of 1907 was a major civic event, and took place in the grounds of Magdalen College. Despite being wholly a part of the initial outburst of pageant fever, it was one of...

  7. Tamworth Millenary Celebrations and Tableaux
    A letter to the Tamworth Herald in February 1911 reminded readers that the town was coming up to the millennium of the founding of the castle by Ethelfleda, Queen of the Mercians in 913:Sir, - In t...

  8. Pageant of Church History
    The Pageant of Church History was an unashamed fundraiser and was part of a larger initiative to raise money for those perennial problems of bishops the world over—namely, stopping the church roof ...

  9. Illuminated Pageant of Dartford and its Parish Church
    Church pageants remained quite popular into the 1960s and 1970s (see St Wilfrid's (1965)). This is an example of one such pageant, focusing on the religious history of Holy Trinity Church, Dartford...

  10. The Romsey Pageant
    The Romsey Pageant was first mooted in June 1906, in the midst of widespread pageant fever, when local civic dignitaries met to suggest a suitable celebration of the millenary of the founding of Ro...

  11. Northampton Festival Trades Exhibition, Carnival and Pageant
    ‘To be content to live upon past history and achievement is a real temptation to individuals and communities alike. Well might we say, the historical associations of our Town and County richly ador...

  12. The Oxford Millenary Pageant
    The Oxford Millenary Pageant was a relatively small event, staged to coincide with and illustrate the wider celebrations of this anniversary. Its Pageant Master was William Bridges Adams, a theatre...

  13. The Pickering Pageant (or Historical Play)
    Pageants were very popular in the North Riding of Yorkshire, as in other parts of the country, before the First World War. Thirsk staged a ‘historical play’ in 1907;  York in 1909; and Scarborough ...

  14. The Colchester Pageant
    The Observer newspaper wrote of the Colchester Pageant that ‘it was inevitable, in these days of pageants, that Colchester should sooner or later seek to prove its claim to be considered, in many r...

  15. English Church Pageant
    Originally proposed by the Rev. Walter Marshall of St. Patrick’s Church, Hove, the English Church Pageant was at first going to take place in Brighton. When, during planning, the event grew conside...

  16. Pageant of Northamptonshire History
    Women’s Institute Pageants were highly popular during the 1920s and early 1930s, and county pageants were also greatly successful (see entries for the Pageants of Berkshire 1928, Staffordshire 1928...

  17. Borough of Reigate Pageant: The Heritage of the Crown
    This pageant was held in the Coronation year of 1953, though three months after the event itself. Held in the Surrey town of Reigate, it was one of a number of pageants in the towns surrounding Lon...

  18. A Pageant of Monarchy
    This was one of the many pageants in Surrey produced by David Clarke, who had worked with Christopher Ede on the Guildford pageant of 1957, and had himself produced the 1968 Guildford pageant. Like...

  19. A Church, A Town; Illuminated Pageant of Dartford and its Parish Church
    The Pageant repeated one held three years earlier with a number of additional or edited scenes, such as one featuring the 1968 Flood. Dartford had previously held pageants in 1932 and 1951.

  20. Church History Pageant, Great Bookham
    Churches were involved in the pageant movement from the outset. For parish churches like St Nicolas, in Great Bookham, pageants offered a means of celebrating the long continuities of Christian wor...