Pageants 14

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Northumbrian Pageant
    The Northumbrian Pageant was held with the express purpose of raising money for a Church of England scheme in Newcastle. The fund was aimed at women, specifically those whose status was described a...

  2. Battle of Lewes Pageant
    Like the nearby Battle of Hastings Pageant (1966), this was a historical re-enactment of a battle and not strictly a historical pageant, consisting of episodes dominated by dramatic performance. It...

  3. Lincoln Cathedral Pageant
    The Lincoln Cathedral Pageant was held to raise funds to repair the cathedral; it was a relatively small-scale affair. Indeed, Lincoln was one of the few cathedral cities to have no major pageant, ...

  4. White Castle Pageant
    There is unfortunately little information about this interesting early, and sizeable, Welsh pageant beyond the book of words, although there may well be significant press coverage in local Newport ...

  5. Reigate Pageant
    The town of Reigate was no stranger to pageants. It had previously held pageants in 1913, 1933, 1935, and had been planning a Pageant to celebrate the Coronation of George VI since December 1936.[1...

  6. Tonbridge Juvenile Pageant
    J.F. Ash, the librarian and registrar at the local school, wrote and organized the pageant over the course of just six weeks. As its title suggests, the cast of nearly seven hundred was largely mad...

  7. Norwich Pageant
    The Norfolk Pageant was the second major Pageant in the city produced by Nugent Monck, fourteen years after his Peter Mancroft Pageant (1912), which had begun a long-standing interaction with the c...

  8. Pageant of Lewes Priory
    The pageant was part of the 1972 Lewes Festival. It was also referred to as Son Et Lumiere and A Pageant of Light, Sound and Mime, relying heavily on a recorded commentary, musical and lighting eff...

  9. Burnham-on-Sea Pageant
    Women’s Institutes Pageants were extremely popular during the interwar period. This is one of the smaller ones, of which the Wells Journal remarked that ‘The work of the Women’s Institutes was show...

  10. Windsor Children’s Historical Pageant
    Children’s pageants were popular from the outset. Some, of course, were staged by schools: one early example was Kingston Grammar School, which put on a pageant to celebrate its six-hundredth anniv...

  11. Esher Historical Pageant and Fete
    Surrey saw numerous village pageants in the interwar period. Although only a one-day affair, the Esher Pageant of 1932 was one of the more elaborate of these (see, for instance, Abinger (1934) and ...

  12. Pageant of Cirencester
    The Pageant of Cirencester was one of a number of Pageants held for the Coronation in 1953 (see St Albans, Sandy, and Warwickshire). A number of postwar pageants utilized floodlighting, allowing pe...

  13. Peter Mancroft Pageant
    The Peter Mancroft Pageant was Norwich’s first foray into large-scale pageantry. In fact, pageant-master Nugent Monck had been invited by Rex Rynd, the precentor of Norwich Cathedral to direct a pr...

  14. Northampton's Historical Pageant
    The Northampton Pageant was the first significant pageant in the county (there had been a previous pageant of Northamptonshire Nonconformity in 1910). The Pageant was a classic example of what Tom ...