Pageants 3

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Pageant of Plymouth Hoe
    The Pageant of Plymouth Hoe was a locally major event staged to celebrate the Queen’s Coronation in 1953. It was the first large pageant in the city since the Mayflower Pageant in 1920, and followe...

  2. Co-operative Century (Plymouth)
    The Co-Operative Centenary Pageant 1944, or ‘Co-Operative Century’, was created to commemorate the hundred-year anniversary of the inception of the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers. It was wr...

  3. Historical Mayflower Pageant
    Taking place inside the Millbay Drillhall in September 1920, Plymouth’s Mayflower Pageant, really a pageant-play, was staged to celebrate the voyage of the famous ship exactly four-hundred years ea...