Pageants 9

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Batley Empire Day Pageant
    An Empire Day celebrated on Queen Victoria’s birthday had been suggested by Reginald Brabazon, the seventh Earl of Meath in 1896, ‘to nurture a sense of collective identity and imperial responsibil...

  2. The Grand Empire Pageant 1909
    The Grand Empire Pageant of 1909 programme was one of several imperial-themed pageants held before 1914, designed to instil patriotism and military values among participants and spectators (see Bat...

  3. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  4. Pageant of Empire, Edinburgh
    The Women's Guild of Empire was one of many organizations that promoted popular forms of imperialism in the interwar years. Formed sometime after World War I, it was the brainchild of the formidabl...

  5. A Vision of Empire
    ‘A Vision of Empire’ was commissioned by the Daily Express in 1932 as part of the annual Empire Day celebrations. It was written to be a short pageant of only 30 minutes, conducted at ‘lightning sp...

  6. Pageant of the Church Beyond the Seas
    Surrey was a pageant hot-spot in the interwar period—at least as far as smaller-scale pageants were concerned. This is an example of one such pageant. Performed by local schoolchildren in Farnham P...

  7. The Pageant of Empire
    The Pageant of Empire took place over the course of a wet six weeks in July and August 1924 in the huge newly-constructed concrete Wembley Stadium. It was just one attraction of the monumental Brit...

  8. Bristol: Cradle of Empire
    The 1924 Bristol Pageant was dogged both by bad luck and hubris. The event made major losses and proved a sore reminder that, despite Bristol’s perceived historical place as ‘Cradle of Empire’, its...

  9. Pageant of Scottish History; 'The Roadmakers'
    The rally of Scouts that took place at Ibrox Park in Glasgow in early June 1938 was described as the largest ever gathering of youth seen in Scotland to date.[1] The occasion that prompted this was...